The closed beta of Gundam Evolution has already started and will continue until June 28, allowing participants to test the connection to the Bandai Namco servers and become familiar with a game that is somewhat different from what the saga has accustomed us to. The test is available for both Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, PS4 and PS5.

The game’s official website is still accepting applications and will do so until the 25th inclusive, so hurry up if you want to be one of the lucky ones to enjoy the game before its release. If you are among those selected, you will receive the code until June 26.

Pilots, prepare for Gundam Evolution

The closed beta of the title in its PC version was held in April, and although the network test was originally planned for the month of May, it was postponed until this new date. The game was announced in March and proposes a competitive multiplayer where two teams of 6 players each face each other with specific objectives.Players can select the Mobile Suit they like best with their corresponding tactical advantages and disadvantages. For now, the game does not have a specific release date, although it has been confirmed that it will arrive this year for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, PS4 and PS5, although without an option. cross-platform.

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