There may be an opportunity to final fantasy xiv there final fantasy 16 come together, according to producer Naoki “Yoshi-P” Yoshida. A recent interview on Saturday revealed that Yoshida “really wants” to set up a FFXVI there FFXIV any crossing. (THANKS, Umadori0726!)
The original interview took place on the Chinese news site. HK01. According to Umadori’s translation of the interview, the interviewer asked Yoshida, who works as a producer at final fantasy 16if there was a possibility of crossover between FFXVI there FFX IV a bit later XVIRelease of .
Yoshida replied
as a producer of FF16of course I really want to do (a collaboration). FF14 has an excellent player base, and being able to bring FF16 A FF14 players would be ideal. But this is not a question that I can decide for myself. I should discuss it with the producer of FF14. It turns out that the producer and director of FF14 He has the last name “Yoshida”, so I’ll check with him. If he says ‘yes’, it could really happen.”
Since Naoki Yoshida is the producer of both final fantasy xiv there final fantasy 16This is a blatant way of expressing your desire to cross-promote, but without really confirming it in detail.
final fantasy xiv has a long history of crossings with other properties, Final Fantasy-related and others. Much of its content includes detailed references and adaptations of other Final Fantasy concepts, sets and even characters. An involved promotion final fantasy xvmost recent mainline FF game. players found FFXV protagonist Noctis Lucis Caelum, and received a copy of her outfit for her glamours, as well as a version of the Regalia, Noctis’ personal vehicle, as a mount to ride.
final fantasy xiv It is available for PC, PS4 and PS5. final fantasy 16 It will be released on June 22, 2023 on PlayStation 5.