The Last of Us has some deeply gripping and dark moments. During the winter events of the game and the series, Ellie comes into contact with a community of dastardly and desperate survivors. Their leader, David, takes a repulsive interest in Ellie. His right-hand man is named James, which is exclusive to the series. James is a familiar face at this utterly tragic moment in the story. Let’s break down who James is in The Last of Us.

Note: The following post details various sensitive topics, such as sexual violence, cannibalism, etc. Reader discretion is advised.

Who is James in The Last of Us?

James is shyly played by actor Troy Baker. Troy is best known as Joel’s voice actor in both parts of The Last of Us series. only briefly as a Clicker.

Related: Who is David in The Last of Us? Answered

Ellie meets David and James during the winter in Colorado while Joel recovers from his injury sustained at the University of Colorado. She chases a deer and manages to kill it, but is forced to chase it until she finally gives up. This is where he meets the two men.

Picture via HBO

James is portrayed as having doubts about David’s leadership, but still follows orders without question. He is determined to get revenge for his deceased classmate Joel who was killed in college, and he wants nothing to do with Ellie except execute her. David asks James to bring medicine for Ellie, and he does as he is told.

David does not allow James to kill Ellie, but lets her go so she unknowingly leads them to Joel. She tries to chase them away, but her horse is shot in the process. David begins to reveal how vile he is after capturing Ellie. It becomes a harsh reality that he and his community thrive on cannibalism, though David is reluctant to turn Ellie into food because he wants her to join him. When Ellie shuts it down and breaks her finger in the process, she quickly begins to realize that she can’t stop her crew from getting revenge for long.

¿Muere James and The Last of Us?

After the decision to kill Ellie is made, David takes James with him to corner her on a table, but Ellie manages to escape revealing that she is infected. This causes the two men to hesitate, giving Ellie the opportunity to grab the machete and cut James’ neck, killing him and allowing him to escape.

Related: Can Ellie infect others in The Last of Us?

David pursues Ellie, eventually cornering her in the cabin above. A wicked game of hide and seek ensues, with David eventually finding Ellie and attempting to rape her. Ellie, however, manages to grab a fallen machete and kills David before Joel finally manages to find her. Visibly shaken, Joel comforts her and the two finally continue their journey to Salt Lake City. It’s a horrifying and prolonged moment for Ellie, and one of The Last of Us’ darkest moments.


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