You will need Hogwarts Legacy Poisonous Tentacles for Professor Garlick’s Mission 1. Although Dogweed and Deathcap fulfill most of your plant and seed needs, if you just want to check off the “acquire and use poisonous tentacle” task, there is a second option that might be faster for you.
So let’s see where you can get or grow Poisonous Tentacles in Hogwarts Legacy, where Dogweed and Deathcap are, and how you can complete Professor Garlick’s task once and for all.
If you’re having trouble with other missions, like where to find Hogwarts Legacy Troll Goblins or Hogwarts Legacy Mandrake locations, check out what we’ve got here to help.
Where to find Poisonous Tentacles in Hogwarts Legacy
(Image credit: Warner Bros.)
In Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1, you’ll need to find and use Poisonous Tentacles on an enemy, as well as use a Mandrake on multiple enemies at once. Although there is a store in Hogsmeade that sells both the plant and the seed, there is another option to quickly find what you need.
Depending on how much time has passed, the greenhouse farthest from the flame of the greenhouse floor at Hogwarts is full of poisonous tentacles that you can pick up, which eventually grow back after being picked up. i can’t be sure Exactly when they spawn from the original mission, but these are the plants I used to complete it.
(Image credit: Warner Bros.)
To find them, head to the greenhouse furthest from the llama on the ground and enter through the door on the right. As you descend the stairs, you’ll see six regrowth pants that you can choose from to refill your supplies.
Where are Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogwarts Legacy?
(Image credit: Warner Bros.)
You can purchase Dogweed and Deathcap Poisonous Tentacle plants and seeds from Hogwarts Legacy. You’ll find the store just at the northern end of Hogsmeade:
(Image credit: Warner Bros.)
Plants can only be used and purchased like those you can find in the Greenhouse, while Seeds will require access to the Hogwarts Legacy Room of Requirement and a large Hogwarts Legacy Planter for push. large pot, you will need to purchase the necessary spell from Tombs and Scrolls. However, given the six you can keep collecting in the Hogwarts Greenhouse, you might want to take them and save your space in the Room of Requirement.