There are many different types of robots in Atomic Heart, but only a few were deliberately designed to be female rather than male or another gender. This guide describes the names of all the robot girls in the game. It won’t help you fight them, but at least you can identify them.
What are all the robot girls in Atomic Heart called?
There are robot girls in Atomic Heart, so we list them all here with their names and how you find them in the game. Some are enemies, but others will help you on your journey. It would be wise to pay attention to these details because you could trigger hostility from a friendly robot if it attacks without thinking.
The twins: left and right
The twins are Sechenov’s left and right robot guards. They keep it with him at all times to protect him from any danger. They are called Left and Right, which are demeaning names Sechenov gave them because, as you will learn in the game, he has no respect for anyone or anything but himself. . Left is the robot on the left in the image above giving you the key, and on the right is the robot on the right in the image above who is wearing the gold jacket. You fight Left twice in the game, but the final boss, The Twins, sees you fighting them as a duo.
While battling the twins, Sechenov reveals that the spirit of P-3’s wife was preserved before her death and split between these robots. It’s difficult for P-3 to fight them, though he will eventually destroy them if you choose to hunt down and kill Sechenov.
Nora is the Vending Machine AI personality with red weapons and abilities that you will use throughout the game. After your first encounter with her, who is quite aggressive, you will encounter Nora multiple times throughout the story. It won’t be as intense as that first meeting in later meetings, but there are follow-ups that are just as notable later on.
Tereshkova and Claire robots
Tereshkova robots are the friendliest version of the more common Lab-Techs that you fight almost everywhere. They have silver hair on their heads and were built to look like a famous star in the world of Atomic Heart. Even this woman’s voice was used in all Tereshkova robots. While most of these robots are simply named Tereshkova, one is specifically named Claire. You must rebuild Claire as part of the game’s story to access a deeper part of an exhibit.
This robot is one of the main bosses in Atomic Heart, and it’s huge. The robot is designed for use in combat, specifically to kill humans. It’s kind of a revelation for P-3 when you get to this point, as all robots are supposed to have been designed to help humans, not hurt them.