Franchise Fan Grand Theft Auto created an amazing pixel-art fan art that recreates the iconic Grove Street. The street has appeared in two GTA games in the past, both in GTA: San Andreas and in GTA 5.
The last few years for the GTA series have been difficult from a critical reception standpoint, although sales of the games remain strong. Despite GTA: Trilogy’s poor review, it sold above Rockstar’s expectations.
The Remastered Trilogy has shaken gamers’ faith in the developer, after many fans saw it as a hasty cash grab. However, creations like this prove that a tough launch can’t permanently alienate gamers from the franchise and that their passion for the game remains strong.
The pixel-art was posted on reddit by user M178music and is titled “Home”. The artwork mainly shows the house of the protagonist of GTA: San Andreas, CJ. According to the redditor, the Grove Street tribute took about two days, and the effort that went into the work is evident.
Reddit users were quick to praise the artwork, especially for its restrained color palette, which makes the image pop. It’s fun to see a 3D game recreated in a pixel-art style.
Pixel art is often associated with classic titles like Pac-Man, so reimaginings of more modern titles are often an interesting concept.
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