A fan of Zelda: Breath of the Wild recreated the Tableta Sheikah like a cool cover for a switch.
It’s well known that Nintendo fans occasionally mod their Nintendo Switch to add GameCube controls or make the console more reminiscent of the N64, but this modder decided to give his own Switch a Zelda makeover.
In 2017, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was released for Wii U and Switch, and for many that was an added factor when deciding to buy a Switch. In Breath of the Wild, Link wielded the Sheikah Tablet, a tablet-like device reminiscent of both the Wii U Remote and the Nintendo Switch itself.
The Sheikah Tablet is one of Link’s most important possessions, as it functions as a telescope, the summary of Hyrule, and most importantly, it grants him access to runes, the game’s key abilities.
Psdwizzard, now a reddit user and Breath of the Wild fan, took a lot of inspiration from this handy gadget for his light switch cover mod. Although not an exact replica of the Sheikah tablet, the lid has an appropriately distressed and textured look, drawing inspiration from the rustic technology of Breath of the Wild.
For many players, not much is known about the Sheikah in Breath of the Wild, but with a little research and paying attention to the game’s lore, there’s a lot to learn. One key thing about the ninja-inspired clan is that they also developed all of the ancient technology seen in Breath of the Wild.