The Monster Hunter series goes way back, starting on the PlayStation 2 and seeing new releases on the PlayStation 5 and everything else in between. It doesn’t matter what platforms this long-running franchise appears on or what version of Monster Hunter they use, one thing that doesn’t change is that big monsters are the true stars of the game. This guide lists the ten most popular monsters. more fun to hunt in monster hunter games.
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The 10 funniest monsters to hunt in Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter games feature hundreds of monsters and even more if you count all the unique variations of each monster. This list will start from the least fun monster to the most fun to hunt in all Monster Hunter games.
10: Great Jagras
Image via Capcom
Great Jagras is a large iguana that introduces all players to Monster Hunter World. Although the series dates back a long time, Monster Hunter World truly revolutionized the formula and was many fans’ first true monster hunting experience. Great Jagras is the perfect fight for beginners. He looks cool, teaches mechanics, has nice armor, and is a sign that there are more giant, ferocious monsters to hunt down in the way.
9: Pukei-Pukei
picture via Capcom
Pukei-Pukei was one of many monsters to debut in Monster Hunter World, and this poisonous creature is fun to pick up and take down. Pukei-Pukei is the first real monster that can hit you with poison and serves as a kind of tutorial for dealing with negative status effects in prolonged combat. This creature can also have its tail docked, and breaking that tail during a long poisonous fight is always exhilarating. Pukei-Pukei also has a memorable look and has been featured in many Monster Hunter games since.
8: Khezu
Gamepur screenshot
Whether it’s Monster Hunter Rise or Monster Hunter Stories, the Khezu is a dubious-looking but memorable creature that everyone will remember vividly after their first hunt. It’s mean and it looks tricky because it’s pretty deadly despite the simplistic visual design. Khezu is capable of inflicting electric shocks, and the fun is learning his patterns and putting him down no matter how many times he gets back up.
7: Nergigant
Gamepur screenshot
Nergigante debuted during Monster Hunter World and is a formidable final boss. Nergigante’s thick armor and massive horns make it seem like Capcom wanted to create a monstrous form of Akuma, as this creature has a very similar presence to the Hadou Master of Darkness. Nergigante is a formidable opponent, and you will have memorable battles with him throughout the game. When you finally take him down, it’s a satisfying feeling that’s hard to match, and his weapons and armor are worthy of repeated hunts.
6: Odogaron
Gamepur screenshot
Odogaron is another large monster that made its debut in Monster Hunter World. Still, it serves as a great reminder of the kind of creature that wasn’t possible on portable systems and old hardware. Odogaron is a sleek and deadly creature that is very aggressive and vicious. This crimson red armor also allows players to create an incredible set of armor inspired by the Oni demon, and learning how to defeat this monster is a fun and exciting experience every time.
5: whore
picture via Capcom
Diablos dates back to the first Monster Hunter and is considered a legacy monster that has appeared in nearly every game in the series since. Diablos is often touted as the first real brick wall designed to teach players the difference between a big animal and a mighty dragon. Diablos has signature horns and can burrow underground and transport his entire team in moments. Learning how to beat this dragon and mastering its attack patterns makes Diablos a fun hunt no matter your experience.
4: Rathian
Gamepur screenshot
Rathian is a classic Monster Hunter creature, and this green wyvern packs a punch. It serves as a bridge to late-game hunts that players will seek out for great weapons and rare armor. A Rathian is a cousin of the larger and more popular Rathalos, but the thrill of hunting a Rathian is just as much fun. Just be careful calling it the less popular of the two to your face.
3: Rathalos
picture via Capcom
Rathalos is the biggest and coolest relative of the Rathian and firmly serves as the main creature and mascot of the Monster Hunter series. This creature has deadly poison and fire attacks, a stunning black and red patterned cape, and a terrifying roar. Learning to hunt Rathalos is a rite of passage for all Monster Hunter players, no matter which game you decide to play in the series. Rathalos is also your partner in Monster Hunter Stories titles.
2: Going
picture via Capcom
Rajang is one of the most frustrating enemies in the entire Monster Hunter series to fight for the first time. His speed and long-range beam attacks make him look more like a blonde-haired anime hero, but Rajang is anything but a friendly goofball. In the middle of combat, Rajang can transform into a golden ball of lightning and fire lightning bolts across the battlefield. Besides its speed and power, this hunt is a great example of the diversity of combat, and once you’ve mastered Rajang, nothing can stand in your way.
1: Anjanat
Gamepur screenshot
We’re going to get down to business; Anjanath is popular because it is a giant T-Rex with fire breath. This is also the reason why Anjanath is always a great hunt at all times. It packs the perfect combination of hulking size and ferocity, but it’s never the most brutal fight in the game. This makes hunting Anjanath a delight, because every time you take one down it feels like a triumph. . Even better, in Monster Hunter Stories 2 you can capture a baby Anjanath and eventually ride it, which really puts Anjanath at the top of the fun monster lists.