Superfuse, the new game developed by independent studio Stitch Heads and edited by Raw Fury experts has arrived on Steam Early Access to combine “Diablo”-style isometric looting and action with the increasingly popular futuristic superhero theme.

In this awesome comic book-inspired action RPG, you play as an Enforcer: the super-powerful protectors of humanity and explore the game in a single-player campaign or in a squad of up to four players with one of three classes: Berserker, Elementalist or Technomancer. Combine deep class and character customization with explosive special effects and all-out superhero action and the result is a fun and exciting one-of-a-kind adventure.

Just to find out more about what players will be able to enjoy now that the game is openly available on Steam Early Access, we had the opportunity to interview Bas de Smit, a member of the Stitch Heads team with the role of Character Art Lead in the Superfuse project.

Below we leave you with the questions that the GlobeLiveMedia team asked him and his various answers to learn more about this exciting proposal.

*Note that this interview was conducted prior to Superfuse’s early access public release.

GlobeLiveMedia: While playing Superfuse, we got to try out two of the game’s classes, and we’d love to hear more about the others to come. How will they be unlocked? Are they related to the story?

Bas de Smit: At launch we will have 3 classes: Berserker, Elementalist and finally, Technomancer. Each class is very different from the others in their abilities and style to create a lot of variety for players who join the game. Speaking specifically of the Technomancer, they are tech geniuses who can manipulate metal at will. Although we have not yet defined the full scope of the game in the long term, all new classes added will be available from the start of the campaign, just like the original 3.

G: Speaking of story, will the campaign have different endings depending on which class you choose or will we have the same story for all of them?

B: Although our characters follow the same arc, they react differently to the dialogues and situations they find themselves in. We spent a lot of time developing each Enforcer’s personality, and using the right actors to voice them was a big part of that.

G: We know that currently the game will be exclusive to Steam; but we wanted to know if there were any plans to bring it to Xbox or PlayStation. If so, can we expect some sort of cross-progression option?

B: At the moment we are 100% focused on Steam Early Access and making sure Superfuse is the best game it can be. Of course, in the long term, we want as many players as possible to play it; but it is something to consider in the future.


G: What conclusions do you draw after receiving the comments from the bera? What differences can we expect once Superfuse Early Access is available to everyone?

B: We are in constant dialogue with the players, taking into account all their feedback and suggestions. They all give us valuable information on how to improve Superfuse.

G: Superfuse will be publicly released in Early Access on January 31st. Do you have an approximate date for the release of the final version of the game? If not, is there a date you would like to reach?

It’s too late to talk about a release date because, as I mentioned in the previous answer, we are now taking all player feedback and suggestions with the aim of improving Superfuse as much as possible.


Superfuse is currently available exclusively for PC through Steam Early Access.

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