Are you one of those vaguely irritating League of Legends duos who may or may not be in a romantic relationship in real life? Or do you just have really good mid-jungle synergy? Either way, the new MOBA mode will be perfect for you.
Imagine the scene: a League of Legends 2v2v2v2 battle. One team leads Xayah and Rakan as the cute lovers do, while the other has Yasuo Gragas to try and emulate. It is good old worlds strat. There’s someone doing Lucien/Senna because they took Xayah and Rakan, and then there’s probably a Diana somewhere because CC, right?
Here’s what Riot promises its new mode will look like. In a lengthy blog post from the Game Modes Team’s new “Cadmus” Product Manager, they outline what this wild new foray will look like, and I won’t lie, it looks like it will be a lot of fun.
Eloquently titled “Here’s the draft. Just kidding, we’re not giving it a codename,” they explain that the 2v2v2v2 mode sees “four teams of two champions chosen and pitted against another team in various deathmatch-style rounds. “. . Champions will progress in power over the course of the game, gaining items, levels, and special powers called augmentations between combat rounds. Teams are removed after losing enough rounds, allowing you to queue immediately.
Sound familiar? Well it is. It’s basically Teamfight Tactics’ ever-popular Double Up mod but, to use Cadmus’ phrase, “League-ified”. If you’ve never touched TFT (I did once, and it was terrifying), the post then describes what the augments do.
“Augments are important buffs that are intended to create unique builds for champions. Champions can index their strengths or adapt to new ones. The intention is to create variety in your champion’s abilities to create unique and cool combat situations.”
The tests apparently included a “Sylas that casts Lissandra W every five seconds” and “a Kai’Sa that overwhelms the enemy team, dies immediately, then creates a large post-mortem explosion that obliterates much of the remains of its two enemy health.” It’s gonna be okay, isn’t it?
As one half of one of those horribly embarrassing botlane duos, I can’t wait to see the chaos this mode brings. URF has never really been for me and ARAM is too stressful. This, however, sounds good up my street, even if it turns into an overcooked relationship destroyer.
While the new mode is far from final, it’s worth checking out our LoL tier list to see if your favorite champion is a viable choice. Alternatively, it might be worth picking up some of the best League of Legends champions for beginners – after all, they’re easy to master, and now they cost even less than before!