Capcom is gradually releasing new looks on the way back. street fighter 6 characters like Cammy and Zangief, the latter involving an EX Lariat move for the fighter. The company’s latest trailer shows him playing Cyclone Lariat. This is his level 2 super art, and the video showing it also shows anti-aircraft fire.

Here’s a closer look at how the Level 2 Super Art Cyclone Lariat works as Zangief’s Lariat EX in street fighter 6.

As a reminder, this street fighter 6 EX Lariat is also a returning form of a previous Zangief movement. Capcom has already confirmed that this Tier 2 Cyclone Lariat Super Art is its Cyclone Lariat V-Trigger in street fighter 5. Other moves he will be able to use are Bolshoi Storm Buster, Screw Piledriver, Siberian Express, and Tundra Storm.

street fighter 6 It will come to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC via Steam on June 2, 2023. It will also appear in arcades. It will also be an Evo 2023 game.

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