Although most of the gaming community and even the media seem thrilled with the Resident Evil 4 remake of Capcom (us too, although with some important “buts”) there are still people who are not at all happy with this new version. Although some have valid complaints (the game has its problems, that’s a fact), most of these people are angry for very different and stupid reasons.

The original Resident Evil 4 was full of childish and macho content, like Leon commenting on the Ashley’s boob size (the famous “ballistic missiles“), Ashley hinting that she would like to have sex with Leon at the end of the game, and other things in the schoolyard, like being able to peek up Ashley’s skirt.

Unsurprisingly, removing that (and replacing it with well-written stuff that makes sense and fits more naturally with the remake) didn’t sit well with that audience, nor did the decision to put Ashley in leggings instead of leave her legs bare. legs… And as you might have guessed, that means a deluge of reviews on Metacritic. All versions of the game were affected, with the PlayStation 4 version having a user average of 3.7 and the Xbox Series of 4.4. Many reviews include the word “woke”.

What do you think of the controversy? Is Ashley’s toning down of sexualization in some way motivating the barrage of criticism, or is it just adults who should be doing something better with their lives?

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