Matt Piscatella from NPD Group revealed the sales figures hardware of the videogame market USA in that of the mede of July 2022. And in this period under consideration, PS5 it was the console that managed to record more revenues, while instead Nintendo Switch was the console that has come more units during the past month than last month in the United States.
This figure obviously depends on the consistent price difference between the new generation console of Sony Interactive Entertainment and the hybrid of Nintendo.
PS5 and Nintendo Switch lead the ranking of the USA of July 2022
As regards the hardware salesthese have been very positive over the past month in USA given that they recorded an increase of 12% on an annual basis and capable of generating a total of 362 million dollars. And these positive data are mainly to be found in the increase in stocks of the new generation consoles placed on the market, especially as regards PS5.
Mat Piscatella he then went on to state what it is like PS5 that Xbox Series X|S have enjoyed a double-digit percentage increase in sales over the past month (the exact number did not agree with). However, not all the data are positive, since it is also important to underline that the month of July 2022 saw the expense ofhardware of 7% when compared to that of 2021for a total of 2.5 billion dollars.
Finally, we conclude our article by stating how the sale of accessories has suffered a rather decline in sales, specifically the 22% on an annual basis, capable of generally however a total of 148 million dollars. This substantial decline is due to the decrease in purchase of controller with the DualSense from PS5 in coloring Midnight Black which turned out to be the best-selling accessory, while the Xbox Elite Series it is the peripheral capable of generating the greatest number of revenue.