The spring event is due to be activated in Pokémon Go: It will start on April 4th at 10 a.m. You will then have until April 8th, 8 p.m., to take part in the hustle and bustle of the smartphone adventure.
During the event you will increasingly meet Pikachu with flower wreath, Owei, Marill, Plusle, Minun, Haspiror and Scoppel in the wilderness. With a little luck you will also meet a Shiony Scoppel.
In addition, Chaneira with a wreath of flowers appears in the wild, while Wonneira with a wreath of flowers hatches from eggs. If you develop a chaneira with a flower wreath, Heiteira also wears this pretty spring accessory. Shiny Chaneira and Wonneira are also available.
For the spring event in Pokémon Go, Crypto-Owei is used more often by Team GO Rocket. Also hatch the 2-kilometer eggs to get Owei, Eevee with wreath of flowers, Pichu with wreath of flowers, Togepi, Azurill, Haspiror, Wonneira with wreath of flowers, Mampfaxo, Geronimatz and Scoppel.
Also visit the Mega Raids, because this is where Mega Schlapor appears for the first time. There are also other “Pokémon that love spring”. Meanwhile, in the in-game shop you will discover items in the style of Mega Schlapor. During the event you will receive exclusive spring-like stickers from PokéStops and gifts.
Take part in the field research projects to encounter Pokémon like Azumarill and Geronimatz. If you master the collector’s challenge for this spring event, you will receive a lucky egg, mega-energy for Schlapor and EP. You also get additional bonuses.
There are double hatching candies and lucky eggs that stay active for an hour. Also, eggs that are placed in an egg hatcher during the event will hatch twice as fast. So it should be worthwhile to pay a visit to the Pokémon Go game world in the next few days.