Gaijin Entertainment is pleased to announce the next major content update “Sky Guardians” for the online military action game thunder of war It will be released next March. It will bring the modern Pantsir-S1 air defense system, the AH-6M Little Bird ultra-light attack helicopter, new maps for air and ground battles, as well as dozens of new types of military vehicles, and much more. Moreover.
The 96K6 Pantsir-S1, a self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery and medium-range surface-to-air missile system on a KamAZ 8×8 truck chassis, was adopted by the Russian military in 2012. It combines detection with medium-range radar, 12 surface-to-air missiles and 30 mm rapid-fire cannons with HE and AP belts primed to engage air and armored ground targets. The Pantsir-S1 is capable of acquiring targets at ranges up to 20 km, as well as simultaneously tracking and attacking in the 45×45 degree sector of up to four targets at the same time. The armies of Morocco, Syria, Algeria, Iraq and other countries also use Pantsir SAMs of various modifications.
The AH-6M Little Bird is based on the MD 530 civilian helicopter and is primarily designed for special forces operations. The AH-6M took part in combat operations in Iraq and the famous American special forces operation in Mogadishu in 1993. It is an ultra-light machine without any protection, but fast, compact and heavily armed. The pilot has a machine gun with rotary barrels, unguided and guided missiles, and guided anti-tank missiles Hellfire II.
Finally, the update releases the new “Pyrenees” map, as well as winter versions of the “Seversk-13”, “Ardennes” and “Maginot Line” maps. “Pyrenees” is designed for dogfights. Small villages with farmland stretch across the valleys, ancient castles and medieval abbeys vie for the most picturesque view around, and the crystal clear water of mountain lakes glistens in the green-tinged highlands. .
Stay tuned for more information about War Thunder on the game’s official website.