Netflix is ​​the most watched streaming medium in the world. This may come as a surprise, as the streaming giant has recently been embroiled in various controversies that have caused a stark drop in subscriptions. From the deletion of shared accounts to the cancellation of seasons of highly anticipated series, which at first glance seemed to be a success, they have been widely criticized by Internet users. It doesn’t seem to matter to him, since he’s still in his thirteenth year with some of the decisions he’s made.

Apart from all that, from what we’ve seen over the past few years, it looks like Netflix has a new strategy in mind to grab the attention of a certain sector of its subscribers. This strategy consists of including video games in its catalog, in addition to cinematographic productions.

This new strategy was not very successful during these years. Currently, Netflix has 55 games for iOS and Android available at no extra cost and without ads with any subscription, including the most basic.
I say this strategy hasn’t been very successful, because there are reports like the one from CNBC about a year ago that only 1.7 million subscribers interacted with games on the platform. If we pass it to percentage, it would be less than 1%.


This has not influenced Netflix’s decisions in this regard and according to the latest news, the streaming platform wants to strengthen its catalog with 40 new releases by the end of 2023. An example is the arrival of Terra Nil on March 28. At first glance, one might think that Netflix could do something stupid again with a strategy that didn’t work, given the poor results it had in the past.
But what if I tell you no. If we analyze the strategy deeper, we will not realize that it is based on three major actions, which in my opinion will make Netflix successful in the future. These three actions are as follows: the creation of its own streaming game platform, the development of its own titles and agreements with major studios in the video game industry.

We know that Netflix would be creating its own streaming game platform, seeing the success of platforms like Nvidia with GeForce Now or Sony with PlayStation Now. The success of this type of platform is a reality, we have the beautiful examples presented above. This success is achieved because it is the companies that host and run the games through their infrastructure that already own them, saving the user money and allowing them to play them with access through their subscription.

On the other hand, Netflix wants to use the same strategy for the interactive titles that it uses with its series or with its films, by launching as much content as possible each month. In its catalog we find and will find original games for the platform, but also many games based on its own series and film content, a strategy that in my opinion is very smart and that none of its competitors do. Some of these examples are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge or Stranger Things 1984, by the way, highly recommended games.

Opinion: Netflix's strategy to include video games in its catalog is a success


So far we could say that Netflix’s strategy limps slightly, because if it really wants to succeed and be a powerhouse in the video game industry, it must have a notorious or remarkable title, both from its own creation or other studios. It should be remembered that not so long ago Ubisoft and Netflix announced a collaboration agreement. Ubisoft is one of the most powerful studios in the video game industry and also has very successful titles of its own creation, such as the Far Cry franchise.

This deal will introduce us to select Ubisoft titles on Netflix. For example, Mighty Quest: Rogue Quest will be available from April 18, and a much stronger title, Assassin’s Creed, is expected later. We also know that Ubisoft and Netflix would prepare a series, as well as that the French studio would prepare a game for the platform of one of its most famous franchises. There are no development details or what type of games or what title it will be, but it looks like it will be very strong.

After explaining this strategy that Netflix has implemented and has been implementing for some time, it is clear that what the platform wants is to bring something different to its catalog with the potential of video game industry.

Realistically, Netflix isn’t going to be a big game powerhouse in the short term, since the industry is pretty oversaturated with big studios and indie studios doing their job very well and thriving.

But we can assure you that this new strategy is a very smart decision because it has been able to see the great potential of the video game industry and its bright future. Netflix has to invest a lot of effort in bringing well-known titles to its platform, whether they are from other studios or their own creation. If you do it right, you can turn that 1% into a much higher percentage. Now we just have to wait and see if this strategy brings the platform to fruition.

Opinion: Netflix's strategy to include video games in its catalog is a successOpinion: Netflix's strategy to include video games in its catalog is a success

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