The No Man’s Sky Interceptor update is the twenty-third major content update in the game’s history and one of the most expensive in recent memory. It adds a new type of planet, spaceship, changes Sentinels, gives players a new resource to farm, and much more. This hub is your guide to all things Interceptor Update, helping you find all the new stuff and get up to speed with the latest systems so you don’t get left behind by the dust of space.
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All new in the No Man’s Sky Interceptor update
The Interceptor update adds a new layer of complexity to No Man’s Sky. Below, we outline everything new in the update and offer tips for getting involved whenever possible. If you’re trying to find a corrupted planet, interceptor ship, or trying to fight corrupted machines, you’ll find the answer here.
How to Find Corrupted Planets
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Corrupted planets are one of the highlights of the Interceptor update. To find them, you must open the galaxy map and search for a new type of system. When you hover over a system, you’ll see its description, which usually mentions something like water. Corrupt planets only exist in systems that have the ‘Dissonant‘ description attached to them. These are more common than you might think, so find one, carve a path, and transport yourself to it.
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Once you enter the Dissonant system, you must scan all the planets until you find one with the ‘Corrupted SentinelsDescription attached. Sentinel’s activity level does not influence whether a planet is corrupted. If you don’t see the corrupt sentries mentioned, it’s probably not a corrupt planet.
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These planets are still corrupted and will have a strange purple tint to everything. You can also find all of the new resources added to No Man’s Sky with the Interceptor Update on these planets, which are essential to upgrading your Interceptor ship. Of course, you’ll also encounter Corrupt Sentinels here, dangerous enemies that can sneak up on you while you collect the lucrative purple crystals all over the planet.
This hub will continue to be updated as guides become available.