A week ago, it was announced that the third season of Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Slayer anime will air in April with a one-hour special episode, so the expectation for its return is increasing. For this reason, we bring you the cosplay of Nezuko Kamado Endemoniada that the chilean cosplayer made Nicole Alexandrabecause the result is excellent.
A year ago, the second season of the Demon Slayer anime aired and in one of its most exciting moments, we saw Nezuko Kamado’s transformation into her demonic version, also called Nezuko Berserk and distinguished by a huge horn on his forehead. This version came about thanks to Nicole’s cosplays, which she’s been featuring since the middle of last year.
Nicole Alejandra or Usagi is a Chilean cosplayer with a lot of experience dressing up as her favorite fictional characters, since her first cosplays that we found on her social networks are from 2019. During this time, Nicole has done dozens of very good cosplays and among the best is Nezuko Kamado possessed by the demon from Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Slayer.
Almost a year ago we got to see Nicole in a Nezuko Kamado cosplay like we usually see her in the Demon Slayer anime, but it wasn’t until July that we saw the demonic version which has become so popular last year. In the second half of 2022, we’ve seen over a dozen posts from Nicole showing off her Nezuko Berserk cosplay, which has won over many Demon Slayer fans.
It’s been a while since Nicole cosplayed Kimetsu no Yaiba, but since the anime’s third season is very close to the first, it’s possible she’ll do a Demon Slayer tribute again later. In the meantime, I invite you to visit Nicole’s profile to see all the photos she has taken cosplaying as the demon Nezuko Kamado.