Among the most popular anime and manga series of recent years, the one that stands out the most is Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Slayer, since Koyoharu Gotouge’s work has a very good story that has been excellently animated with its adaptation. It inspired countless tributes around the world, such as Indian cosplayer Maria’s Inosuke Hashibira cosplay.
The Demon Slayer anime season 3 is already confirmed to start in April with a one-hour special, so we just have to wait a few months to see more of its story in this medium. In the meantime, we present to you the cosplay of Inosuke Hashibira in a genderbend version that the Indian cosplayer María presented to us less than a month ago.
At the end of January, we saw a tribute to the anime and manga Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Slayer from Maria, who imagined what Inosuke Hashibira would look like if he were a woman. María published three photographs with a costume made by herself, which presented an excellent result which you can see a little below.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Maria pay homage to anime and manga Kimetsu no Yaiba, as in the past we’ve seen her cosplay both Love Pillar Mitsuri Kanroji, and Shinobu Kocho, the insect pillar. . It’s possible that we’ll see more tributes to Kimetsu no Yaiba as the third season approaches, but we hope that’s not the only time he shows us some pictures in his female Inosuke cosplay, because the result was very good.
If you like the Inosuke genderbend cosplay that María presented a few weeks ago, I invite you to take a look at her profile, because the Indian model has been active for the past few weeks and has not stopped transforming into her favorite characters. from works of fiction. . There is little news left to have more news about the next episodes of Demon Slayer so for now we just have to wait.