Keanu Reeves has admitted he loves playing the role of Johnny Silverhand. His statement became a hit on Reddit.
Many gamers thinking of Cyberpunk 2077 probably remember Night City, neon lights, body mods, and of course Keanu Reaves as Johnny Silverhand. The iconic rockerboy, despite his tough character, has been loved by a wide range of fans of CD Projekt RED’s game, and Keanu himself happens to like him too. As he admitted, he loves playing the character. The actor also said some warm words for CD Projekt RED..
Keanu is a Johnny Silverhand
Recently on Reddit, there was an AMA, or “ask me anything,” session where users of the website could ask Keanu Reeves questions, which the actor answered. There was no shortage of questions about films like Constantine 2, as well as curiosities such as the fact that German scientists have discovered chemical compounds produced by bacteria that kill fungi. They’re called Keanumicins because, as scientists have found, they’re just as deadly as Keanu Reeves in his movies.
The AMA’s highlight, however, was the actor’s response to a post from user XoHH, who wrote that playing Reeves in Cyberpunk 2077 was an amazing experience, after which he asked if the actor intended to appear in more games. and what was his general attitude towards video games. Kean replied:
While the actor hasn’t answered when asked about playing the character in future video games, at least we’re sure he’ll make another appearance as Johnny Silverhand in the Phantom Liberty DLC for Cyberpunk 2077. Let’s see us Johnny in the next installment as a good guy? That remains to be seen.