Jet Set Radio or Crazy Taxi, two emblematic licenses of SEGA, could come back if we are to believe a survey.
If SEGA has succeeded very well in recent years with the success of the Yakuza or Sonic licenses more recently, it must be admitted that the publisher frustrates many nostalgic gamers: with its formidable reserve of untapped legendary licenses, the ambitions of the players are necessarily much more high. what SEGA seems to want to explore. Between Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio or even Virtua Fighter, the Japanese firm has a lot to offer highly anticipated reboots to its players, but this is not the case.
SEGA: ¿Reboot of Jet Set Radio or Crazy Taxi?
Anyway, he hasn’t done it yet. But things could change in the future since we were able to discover today that SEGA, like many other video game companies, has launched an investigation into its flagship licenses. The question posed is simple: Have you heard of (name of license)? “. And the results are as follows: “I’ve never heard of it”, “I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never played it” oh “I have already played it”. The idea is simple: compare the aura of one license to another to potentially revive it.
A fan favorite game
Among the licenses proposed in the survey are Altered Beast, Golden Axe, Shinobi, House of The Dead, Virtua Fighter, Judgment. And, of course, Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio, two flagship Dreamcast-era licenses that already have rumors of a possible reboot. It remains to be seen whether SEGA is leading the way with such an investigation…