If you use the Wild Dancer fighting style in Like a Dragon Ishin, you can learn a move called Dance Of Mourning. You can learn how to do it in this guide.

In Like a Dragon Ishin you can fight using several different styles.. Each of them has a series of moves that can be learned. One of them is Dance Of Mourning, which you will unlock if you use Wild Dancer.

Like an Ishin dragon: how to unlock Dance Of Mourning?

Dance Of Mourning is one of the moves available for the Wild Dancer style. You will unlock it with the Book of Revelations: Escape. Can only be obtained after completing Scarecrow Castle Hell Room 10. So if you want to learn this skill you will have to spend some time completing the mansion challenge.

As soon as you have the Book of Revelations: Escape in your hands, you can access the inventory under the Valuables tab. Once there, find the book and read its description; includes instructions for unlocking Dance Of Mourning. Show that you have to dodge before the attack indicated in the upper right corner of the screen.

Now it’s up to you to find a fight. During this time, you must perform the movement described in the instructions that you read in the book. As you step through this sequence, you will see an icon to activate the heat action. If you press this button, the inspiration animation starts. Includes a quick event. If you complete it successfully, Dance Of Mourning will be unlocked.

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On paper, a medical physicist. In reality, however, a humanist who has loved games since childhood. With this passion, he decided to try writing for a wider audience. She has been affiliated with GlobeLiveMedia since 2017. First in guides, she now writes primarily for copywriting, encyclopedia, and marketing. Self-proclaimed specialist in free-to-play games. He likes strategy, simulators, role-playing games and horror games. She also has a weakness for online games. He spent an immodest number of hours on Dead by Daylight and Rainbow Six: Siege. Additionally, he also enjoys watching horror movies (worse, better) and listening to music. But his greatest passion is trains.


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