Some of the side stories in octopathic traveler 2, like “The Baby’s Coming”, involves using an ally’s ability to recruit an NPC to take them to a certain location. This means you need someone like Ochette or Temenos to “befriend” or “guide” someone to where they need to be. That’s how we get a midwife from Flamechurch to Cape Cold.

To launch “The Baby’s Coming” in octopathic traveler 2, you need to head to Cape Cold first. The future dad will be very close to the entrance to the city, panicked. You will notice that the midwife who will deliver is in Flamechurch, but his wife is in labour.

From there, head south to Flamechurch. If you go to the hotel, you will find the midwife there. She is a character of three forces. It shouldn’t be too hard for Temenos to guide her, as long as she’s past level 12. (She agreed to go with her right away when I asked her.) After joining the group as a Summonable NPC, teleport to Cape Cold.

Finally, talk to the father. The midwife will do her job, the baby will be delivered safely and everything will be fine. “The Baby is Coming” octopathic traveler 2 A side story will be made and you will get 3000 leaves and a nutritious nut.

octopathic traveler 2 is available for Switch, PS4, PS5 and PC. A demo is available.

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