Dugbog is a type of creature you can encounter while exploring Hogwarts Legacy. It’s a territorial monster that could attack you if you ever approach its territory, but it has a valuable resource: its tongue. You can still levitate the creature off the ground with your tongue, one of the many dueling feats you can accomplish. This is what you need to know about how to levitate a Dugbog by its tongue in Hogwarts Legacy.

What spell do you use to levitate a Dugbog by its tongue in Hogwarts Legacy?

The timing for this can be difficult. You want to be out of range of the Dugbog’s tongue and make sure you’re not close enough for him to hit you. The tongue won’t hit too far from the creature, so if you keep a reasonable distance from a Dugbog during a fight, you can wait for it to try to lunge at you. The attack is indicated by a glowing yellow indicator above your character’s head, meaning you can continue it if you manage to parry a Dugbog’s tongue.

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Now that you know the timing, the next step is to focus on the spell. The correct spell you want to use against a Dugbog is the Levioso spell. It’s a spell control spell that you learn relatively early in your Hogwarts Legacy adventure.

With the spell in one of your spell slots, wait for Dugbog to stick out his tongue, then use the spell. If you manage to pop it out around the same time as the Dugbog’s tongue, the creature will levitate in the air and you’ll have completed this Dueling Feat task, earning more experience points after completing the match.


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