The new legendary Roblox Adopt Me pet featured in the Mountain Home update is Frost Unicorn, a beautiful horse with a sky-blue body, snow-white mane, and spiraling horn. Unlike Possum and Firefly in last week’s Camping Shop update, Frost Unicorn is a limited-time offer that will disappear indefinitely on February 30, 2023. As a result, the value of this animal will likely be much higher than that normal Legendaries. , as you may never be able to get one once the sale ends. Of course, trading is always an option if you also own rare pets that are in high demand.

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Unlock Frost Unicorn in Adopt Me

Gamepur screenshot

Frost Unicorn is a premium pet in Adopt Me, which means the only way to get it is to spend Robux, Roblox’s premium currency. Unlike the Legendary Cracked Eggs Unicorn, you cannot obtain a Frost Unicorn from an available in-game egg. Instead, you must visit the Buy Booth in front of the Daycare on Adoption Island or open the in-game store. The store can be accessed by selecting the shopping cart icon to the right of the UI and finding the Frost Unicorn mascot to 1,000 Robux under the amazon bird in Adopt Me.

Since the legendary frost unicorn in Adopt Me is a paid pet and is only available for a limited time, the decision of its commercial value or value may vary based on individual or shared opinions of regional servers. . For example, some might try to trade various potions, furniture or pets to reach a value of around 1000 Robux corresponding to the value of the Frost Unicorn. On the other hand, other pet owners may think their trade is worth one or more hard-to-get neons or megas in exchange for this limited-time Legendary on Roblox. Whatever the case, we recommend having your trading license handy to ensure you know who is trading in the event of a scam.


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