Garou, known as Hero Hunter, is a highly sought after character in Roblox Saitama Battlegrounds for his unique moves and powerful finishing abilities. If you’re looking to add this terrific character to your roster to up your game with him, this guide is here to help you along the way.
How to get Garou (Hero Hunter) in Saitama Battlegrounds
Gamepur screenshot
To get Garou (Hero Hunter) in Saitama Battlegrounds, you must first click on the character select button at the top left of the screen. A list of available characters will appear, including Garou (Hero Hunter). Simply select Garou (Hero Hunter) and his moveset will switch to his dynamic fighting style, granting him his powerful abilities. However, it is important to note that once you select Garou (Hero Hunter), you cannot revert to your previous character during battles.
So be sure to choose wisely. Moreover, selecting Garou (Hero Hunter) as a character does not change your appearance: you will still look like the character you have chosen, but with the abilities of Garou (Hero Hunter). With this knowledge in hand, you’ll be ready to dominate your opponents with the power of the Hero Hunter.
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The best part is that getting Garou (Hero Hunter) is now completely free. Thanks to the latest update, you can now access Garou (Hero Hunter) without having to pay for any in-game purchases. This makes him an even more attractive option if you’re looking to try out a powerful new character.
It’s worth mentioning that Garou’s (Hero Hunter) moveset and ultimate abilities require some practice to master. So spend some time on a private server, if possible, to familiarize yourself with your unique style before taking on other players. Also, try experimenting with different strategies and combinations to find the ones that work best for you.