There are a handful of difficult encounters to overcome in Elden Ring, and it helps to have a friend with you, giving you a chance to summon co-op. However, this action may not always work and you will receive a notification saying “Cooper cannot be summoned” on your screen. Fortunately, there are several ways to solve this problem. Here’s what you need to know about how to fix the error summoning a cooperator in Elden Ring.

Why can’t I summon a cooperator in Elden Ring?

The “Unable to summon co-op” error means one of two things: the connection between the two of you is unstable, or it’s likely that someone else summoned the player first. The type of multiplayer that Elden Ring and other Souls games are known for is based on what are called “peer-to-peer” connections, which means that a player “hosts” the other players in his world. This means that a bad connection from the host player, or a disconnection from the host to one of the ghost players, can lead to strange behavior in the game. This can happen exceptionally often if you are having problems running the game .

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Conversely, if someone is summoned to another location before you get there, their sign will not immediately disappear from your world. They may have been summoned by another player before their signal wore off, and the game still lets you try to connect with them. The game will try to summon them to your world, recognize that they are already in another world, and return the “Cooperator cannot be summoned” error.

This can happen relatively often near a difficult boss, where multiple players are fighting to defeat it, or if multiple players are trying to farm a boss for its runes.

Gamepur screenshot

However, if you cannot summon multiple people in a row, you can restart your game client and refresh your connection to the Elden Ring servers. Jumping straight to the main menu screen should be a good solution for you, or you may need to investigate your general connection while trying to play the game. This is the easiest and fastest way to troubleshoot any potential problems connecting to game servers that you may experience.


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