Hogwarts Legacy is full of secrets to discover and puzzles to solve. While you can find many of these secrets in the Highlands, a large portion of them are within the walls of Hogwarts Castle. One of the many hidden rooms in the castle is the prefects’ bath. This small area is where you can pick up one of the castle’s many terrain guide pages, but you’ll need to locate it first. This guide will show you how to find the perfect bathroom in Hogwarts Legacy.

Location of the prefect’s bathroom in Hogwarts Legacy

The Prefects’ Bathroom is one of the many hidden rooms in Hogwarts Castle, as is the Werewolf Tapestry Room or the Room of Requirement. Before you can access this room, you will need to learn how to pick locks with the Alohomora spell. You get the Mr. Moon spell during the campaign. With the spell unlocked, head to the Floo Flame faculty tower fast travel point.

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From the fast travel point, head down the hall to where Mr. Moon usually hangs and turn right. Go through the door you go through during the quest where you learn Alohomora. Climb all the stairs until you reach a big curve. Once there, continue up the stairs. At the top of the first curved staircase, you’ll see an ornate doorway with a fish statue on either side.

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Use Alohomora to open the door and access the prefects’ bathroom. If you enter this bathroom during Mr. Moon’s quest, you’ll need to sneak past the prefects. If you come here later, you can walk freely without worrying about getting in trouble. There is a field guide page on the left side of the bathroom below the mermaid image on the wall. Be sure to grab it before you leave.


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