The Rescue Rococo quest has you… well, save Rococo. Check out this guide on how to find Rococo in Hogwarts Legacy. This way you can complete the quest and get out of this place.
Hogwarts Legacy Rescue Rococo Guide
Rococo can be found here near the bottom of the map.
You will have to fight and then go under the building to find the dungeon. Go down the stairs outside the building and keep going down them until you can enter the dungeon below.
For the first coin, you must light the two extinguished braziers, then place the cubes on the correct symbols. Use the spell with the symbol to open the door. Another fight in the next room and a large puzzle of a griffin statue which is part of another quest. We have a guide for that here.
Near the large griffin statue are three more statues. Light the middle fire then stand in the center to move behind the wall. Find the cube and activate it with fire.
Now head to the other side and there are two more cubes. Use Accio to put them through the small holes at the top of the bars to get the treasure on the other side. Head to where the wall is eating you and you should stop it now. If not, start using spells on the ground until he stops moving. I’m not 100% sure which one stopped the wall from eating me, so do both.
Another fight downstairs, then you need two more cubes. The first is easy. Go up the stairs and grab it on the other side of the room. Then you need to find the hidden wall on the other side of the stairs. The bricks make it obvious, stand next to it and wait for it to open. Take the cube and put it in its place. From there you can find Rococo.
come back soon for more Hogwarts Legacy Guides.
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