There are dozens of fish to catch and catalog in Dredge. However, some are more important than others as they are needed for pursuits or can help you obtain unholy fishing tools. This guide explains how to find conger eels, a fish you’ll be looking forward to catching and storing for quite some time when you begin your journey through these troubled waters.

Related: Where to find all relics in Dredge

Where to find congresses

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You can only catch conger eels in the choppy waters of the Gale Cliffs area. This is the bottom right area of ​​the map. Cruise around the cliffs at night, stay out to avoid the Colossal Eel lurking closer to town, and you should find one fairly quickly. You can see which fishing spots are most likely to have conger eels, as the creatures below the surface of the water will look like eels and not fish. This allows you to avoid filling your cargo with fish you don’t want or need.

How to deliver rotten conger eels to the resident of Ingfell

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Shortly after arriving in Gale Cliffs, you will meet a curious woman in Ingfell. He wants you to deliver them an old specialty of the region that they haven’t been able to get for a while, aged conger eels. Fish can rot in your cargo if you leave them too long, but the resident of Ingfell wants a fish that’s about to turn into a fetid piece of meat. For this, catch a conger eel and go to Ingfell. Then rest there for about a day until you see your conger eel has gone from fresh to rotten. At this point, you can hand it over to the resident of Ingfell, and she’ll be very happy.

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We tried to deliver the exotic and aberrant variant of conger eel, the sprouting eel, to the resident of Ingfell as all of these variants rot by nature. The NPC won’t accept it, so don’t waste your time like we did. You better sell that fish somewhere at the fish market.


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