A big complaint about The Sims 4 is the lack of weight behind life progression, where weddings, birthdays, and many of those big “firsts” end up feeling a little lackluster. With the Grow Together expansion pack, The Sims 4 finally gives your Sims’ lives the gravity they deserve. One of the biggest changes is Milestones, a system that allows all learning experiences, firsts, and life-changing moments to take center stage in your sim setup.
What are milestones in The Sims 4?
Image via Electronic Arts
In The Sims 4: Growing Together Expansion Pack, Milestones are a way to keep track of what each of your Sims has been through. For example, married Sims must have a milestone marking their marriage. But for younger sims, they will also earn milestones for learning how to hold a spoon. Milestones start out small, but get bigger and bigger as your Sims’ lives become more complex and rich. Not only will they be tracked in your sims traits tab, but they can also generate desires, fears, and even bonus traits.
How do child milestones work in The Sims 4?
Milestones for child sims are much simpler than milestones for older sims. When it comes to babies, milestones are about learning to use their bodies and hands and experiencing the little things. Its main steps include:
- Fine motor skills: use of utensils, complex toys, etc.
- Gross motor skills: crawling, rolling, getting up, etc.
- Firsts – first bath, first birthday, etc.
If your Toddler sim reaches a decent number of milestones before becoming a toddler, they might get the “Top-Notch” childhood perk, which will help them grow into a toddler, child, and more. stronger. However, if you neglect your baby’s needs and milestones, he could grow up in a “neglected” state.
Related: All Baby Quirks In The Sims 4: Growing Together
What kind of milestones are there for older sims?
Image via Electronic Arts
Once a Sim is a toddler, their milestones grow from motor skills to a The Sims 2 memory-like collection of great moments in a Sim’s life. For example, a child sim might get a milestone for learning to ride a bike or lose a tooth. Otherwise, however, your milestones are likely to include more things like making your first best friend, your first big birthday, or becoming an A student.
If you have an adult sim, this system will now track your promotions, birthdays, romances, and even your first house fire, in true Sims 4 style. However, that doesn’t mean milestones are just a album tab. NOW. Sometimes when your sim does something big, like getting promoted, they might get the chance to get an extra trait like Ambitious. Bad family dynamics with his cousin and they fight for the first time? They might get mean or brash. Therefore, the more milestones your sim has, the more dynamic their personality can be.