If the success of the game is no longer to be proven, the Avalanche Software game still suffers from a few bugs in the process of being resolved.

As we know, Hogwarts Legacy has already succeeded in convincing millions of players around the world, but some of them are complaining about various issues…

Hogwarts Legacy: A new update has just been deployed to fix a lot of bugs

So, in an effort to make the proposed experience more and more perfect, The developers have been working on a big patch to fix reported bugs. This includes issues related to to the different missions, to the audio dimension of the game or to the content integrated into the DLC.

According to the patch note recently shared by the studio, improvements have also been implemented regarding User interface, scenes, save management and even performance. Let’s hope this manages to make us forget the bad news made official a few days ago: the postponement of the PS4 and Xbox One versions to May 5. For its part, the Switch version of Hogwarts Legacy is still scheduled for July 25.

Here are the details of the update:

  • On line
      • Improved player account network registration and tracking.
      • Fixed DLC related issues in pause menu and gear menu.
      • Fixed an issue where DLC flying mount inventory could disappear during a mission.
  • how to play
    • Tasks
      • Fixed a crash issue when unlocking the Bandit Camp Cage before starting the mission. Addresses the following reported issue: HL-437.
      • Fixed inability to complete a quest during a specific conversation with Ms. Kogawa absent from her office. Fixes the following issue: HL-1173.
      • Fixed avatar getting stuck between the barrel and the furnace when jumping or opening the tool wheel.
      • Fixed a duplicate collision next to one of the shop entrances.
      • Fixed an issue with waypoints in the air instead of the ground in Hogsmeade.
      • Fixed Lens Maker ending correctly after waiting period.
      • Fixed missing exit sign on some Hogwarts doors.
      • Fixed opening Butterfly Chests other than those intended for a quest not counting towards quest progress. Fixes the following issue: HL-5620.
      • Fixed butterflies not appearing in the specified area to advance the mission again. Fixes the following issue: HL-4807.
      • Fixed incorrect Fusion mission progression.
      • Fixed a stability issue in Potion Class Spoons.
      • Fixed stars appearing when focusing the telescope during the Astronomy lesson on low settings. Fixes the following issue: HL-3032.
      • Fixed star pop and brightness issues in astronomy mini-games.*
      • Fixed shields were not displaying correctly during wand traversal missions.
    • broomstick flight
      • Fixed player getting stuck while riding a broomstick or spinning a statue.
      • Fixed inability to land on the overpass bridge.
      • Fixed mesh breaking when avatar rides a broom after teleporting to an open area.
      • Fixed flash and shutter when mounting a broom.
    • world events
      • Fixed cars crashing when blocked by avatar.
      • Fixed One Man Band occasionally duplicating in Hogsmeade.
      • Characters
      • Fixed an issue with characters having no hair.
    • visual effects
      • Fixed broom speed setting.
      • Fixed enemy shields not displaying correctly during Cross Wands missions.
      • Fixed enemy shields disappearing after being hit multiple times.
      • Fixed the visibility of constellations on the astronomy table.
      • Fixed the Extortionist’s Dark Magician’s AOE Flash Attack visual effect remaining on screen.
    • audio
      • Fixed cliff waterfall audio depending on proximity of avatars.
      • Update of the latest audio sound banks.
      • Fixed localization and voice selection playing correctly.
    • user interface
      • Updated location strings.
      • Fixed the female avatar face appearing differently than the skin preview during gameplay. Addresses the following reported issue: HL-543.
      • Fixed transition between UI purchase window and forced vendor chat.
      • Fixed the map showing the wrong path to the map room.
      • Fixed damage rendering when enemy is hit by transformation and oppugno. Fixes the following issue: HL-4810.
      • Improved follow-up for the consultation room.
      • Fixed Ansel issue when FOV is too high.
      • Fixed UI controller icons displaying correctly based on controller platform type.
    • cinematographic
      • Updated facial animations.
      • Fixed NPC trampling while cutting houses.
      • Fixed blurry textures and LOD pop.
      • Fixed Avatar Robes spawning before Fig spawns them before the Sorting Ceremony.
    • laser trace
      • Improved stability and performance after long periods of play.
      • Improved VFX performance when ray tracing.
      • Improved performance through batch processing and ray tracing buffer caching.
      • Removed fog volumes to improve BVH performance.
      • Fixed RTAO causing decals to turn black.
      • Fixed shadows from directional lights.
      • Fixed shadows on trees.
      • Fixed UI light suppression performance.
    • save game
      • Fixed inability to talk to vendors during sequential saves after fixing the issue. Fixes the following issues: HL-412, HL-494, HL-590, HL-5260.
      • Fixed streaming in and out after getting the ‘Dung Bomb’ field guide and loading a manual save.
      • Fixed an issue where disabling the title and loading an autosave during the end credits would cause an infinite loading screen.
      • Fixed an issue when saving the voice pitch adjustment with the avatar.
    • Performance and stability
      • Fixed streaming issues at Hogwarts.
      • Fixed a crash when showing the common room to the player.
      • Fixed a crash with Skeleton Meshes.
      • Fixed a crash on deflecting hits.
      • Fixed crash when reading dictionary files.
      • Fixed performance when using the Ancient Magic Gourd finisher on the elevated Thornback Ambush in Rune Gate Arena.
      • Improved rendering performance of translucent objects.
      • Fixed a crash during a story graph.
      • Fixed dripping plants in the Slytherin common room.
      • Fixed various memory leaks.
      • Fixed crash with map icon status.
      • Fixed crash with invalid UI.
      • Fixed exiting the Great Hall when navigating Hogwarts. Fixes the following issue: HL-71.
      • Fixed a crash when checking for audio occlusion around the player.
      • Fixed a crash when using explosive barrels.
      • Fixed a crash when using the Fire spell.
      • Fixed a crash when using Accio, Confringo or Stupefy spells.
      • Fixed a crash when upgrading equipment.
      • Fixed a recursive crash with Solomon’s shields.
      • Fixed crash with edit boxes.
      • Fixed a crash during the Cursed Lifetime fight.
      • Fixed a crash when running on the broom.
      • Fixed occlusion with doors opening and closing.
      • Fixed camouflage issue.
      • Fixed a crash when moving to Professor Fig’s classroom.
      • Fixed crashes related to Niagara and destructible visual effects.
      • Fixed a block with damage over time not registering correctly.
      • Fixed a crash when creating an actor that was not stored correctly.
      • Fixed a crash with correctly spawning actors.
      • Fixed a crash when creating a character. Addresses the following reported issue: HL-232.
      • Fixed animation instantiation optimization.
      • Fixed a crash when moving stairs.
      • Fixed crash with VFX after long games.
      • Fixed a crash related to transformations in Overland.
      • Fixed a crash related to item status.
      • Fixed a crash with parry in combat.
      • Fixed crash with AOE VFX.
      • Fixed a crash with hints.
      • Fixed a crash when getting an achievement with an invalid online username.
      • Fixed a crash when talking with Rackham.
      • Fixed a crash when using the Wingardium.
      • Fixed performance drops experienced during the life of the game.
      • Fixed performance drops in the Divination class.
      • Improved VRAM utilization, especially for low memory video cards.
      • Fixed ray tracing lighting performance in UI.
      • Fixed Ansel being used when casting a spell.
      • Fixed Ansel being used when the avatar is on a broomstick.
      • Shader build updated with latest PSO cache.
      • Lighting optimization with Nvidia drivers.
    • To show
      • Fixed a 32:9 aspect ratio issue when using an Ultrawide monitor. Addresses the following reported issue: HL-260.
      • Fixed Ansel issue when FOV is too high.
    • Several
      • Updated legal lines and “special thanks” credits.
      • Updated minimum recommendations for Nvidia and AMD video drivers.

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