The Heartbreaker is one of the most interesting elusive targets in Hitman World of Assassination. Set in Mendoza, you are tasked with taking down a wedding planner who has sinister intentions towards his latest clients. This guide explains how to eliminate the sneaky malefactor without anyone noticing your actions, granting you the rank of silent assassin.

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IO Interactive moved from Hitman Trilogy and combined all games into Hitman World of Assassination. As a result, anyone who owns the game can take on The Heartbreaker, even if they’ve already completed Elusive Target in a previous year. The only limitations to the latest version of this mission, released on March 20thare the usual rules of elusive targets.

elusive target warning

As with all Elusive Targets, you only have one chance to complete this mission. Once you start completing objectives, like killing the target, you won’t be able to reset. However, until you kill the target, you can restart the mission as much as you want. With that in mind, we recommend going through our route several times without killing the target before actually killing them. This will give you a chance to figure out where you might be seen and where you’ll need to be extra careful to maintain that Silent Assassin rating.


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As we mentioned, this route doesn’t require anything fancy that you need to unlock elsewhere in Hitman 3. The gear we use is nothing special. Although we have a coin, a gun and a fiber optic cable, we will not use any of these. The starting location is the important part, so be sure to set yours as the cave vantage point. Finally, we outfitted Agent 47 with the Scarlet Suit, which is a reward for completing the Lust mission if you can’t wait to get your hands on it.

Step 1: A Powerful Disguise

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From where you started, you need to turn around and walk towards the two guards behind you. There’s one near the gate and another a little further across the road. Get behind the guard at the door and subdue him. Then go behind the guard on the other side of the road and do the same with him. Drag this second body to the door in case anyone sees it. You need to put on the costume that these guards are wearing and make sure to pick up one of their weapons to complete the outfit.

Step 2: The van

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Now that you’re in a Power Suit, run to the parking lot. To the left is a cordoned off area with cars. You will notice that the white van has also been modified to display the Newcombe name. Enter this area and head towards the van.

You have to run to the side of the van, open it and take the album and the killer pills inside. This is a collection that Newcombe kept with notes on all of their deaths. However, there is an enforcer right next to this van who can see through your disguise. Be careful when picking up the album and the killer pills, don’t worry about the rest of the things in the van.

Step 3: Newcombe

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Then you need to find the target. If he was quick, he’ll head for reception, but if not, look for him in the movie theater downstairs from reception. He will accompany two women wherever he is, and you must give this album to one of them. As soon as he does, they’ll be horrified and quickly leave, meaning Newcombe won’t be able to kill one.

Now Newcombe is going to be upset. If you’ve managed to get the album to your customers before they come downstairs, you’ll go to the movies alone. Get in front of him and get off first. Please note that you must first be registered by the security officer at the top.

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At the bottom of the stairs is a stall with wine. Go down and poison this wine with death pills. As soon as you have done this, get out of the way. Newcombe will go down to the cinema and drink the wine. Once he does, he will die. This counts as an accidental kill, so you won’t lose your silent killer rank when everyone sees the body.

Step 4: Exit

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Now all you have to do is head for an exit. With your current disguise, you can run to the vineyard and use this exit. If you’re wearing a different costume or even the Agent 47 outfit, watch out for the new guard who’s posted himself at the gate here for that elusive target.


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