In statements collected by Eurogamer, Yasuhiro Kitao of Japanese firm FromSoftware admitted that the team working at the acclaimed development studio wants to release games at a higher pace. In the words of Kitao:

“We think we’ve always strived for that goal: to always do something new, something original, something interesting and fun for us as players. So in that sense, Not much has changed. We are developing multiple titles at the same time; we have multiple teams working on different projects. We hope to stagger our releases and deliver something new and exciting at not-so-long intervals.

Teniendo en cuenta que Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon aterriza a finales de este año y Elden Ring lo hizo el año pasado (y se convirtió en el juego del año 2022 para muchos), FromSoftware parece estar en racha en lo que a lanzamientos frecuentes refers to. However, you may be looking to make this type of calendar more the norm than the exception. Either way, given the label’s fame within the gaming scene, it’ll be hard to find anyone who doesn’t want to see more FromSoftware games, including the publishers who fund their projects (Activision, Sony and especially Bandai Namco).

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