Fortnite Chapter 3: Battle Pass week 11 season 1 quests, list and complete challenge guide

It’s Thursday afternoon and if you’ve been playing Fortnite for a while, you know what that means. Indeed a new week of challenges comes any statue to appear in game and together we will see what awaits us in this article.


  • Experience Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 Week 11 Challenges
    • Visit the Taupe team’s drilling sites
    • Edit Structures
    • Deal damage to opponents with an automatic pistol
    • Drive a jet quad to the top peak
    • Beat Gathommen, Ronin or Shanta in a duel
    • Land at Tilted Towers and survive 60 seconds
    • Cut down a pine while driving a vehicle

Experience Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 Week 11 Challenges

After several seasons of experimenting with quests and challenges, Fortnite has decided to return to the classic for this Chapter 3 of the Battle Royale. On the program: 7 challenges per week that will each allow you to earn 25,000 experience points.

Roam sites have been around in Fortnite since the start of the season, but as the weeks go by, there are more and more of them. On the map below, you will be able to find the five current drilling sites, knowing that you must visit three of them.

Modifying structures is one of the basics of Fortnite and it’s a safe bet that you already do it. If this is not the case, nothing prevents you from finding a quiet place and making the modifications to validate the challenge without having to do it in the stress of combat.

  • Deal damage to opponents with an automatic pistol

The automatic pistol is one of the last weapons to have been added to Fortnite and if you ever don’t know what to expect, we advise you to read our Guide: The automatic pistol. Once you have it in hand, all you have to do is do the damage.

  • Drive a jet quad to the top peak

Finding a quad will surely be the easiest part of this challenge. Once that’s done, you need to take it to the upper peak which is actually the mount where Covert Cavern is located as you can see in the map below.

  • Beat Gathommen, Ronin or Shanta in a duel

For this challenge, it’s quite simple, you will have to meet one of the NPCs, challenge him to a duel and win this one to validate. To help you, we have indicated the three affected locations on the map below.

  • Land at Tilted Towers and survive 60 seconds

As we know, Tilted Towers is one of the most populated starting areas in Fortnite and with this challenge, it may still be the case this week. Indeed, you are not only asked to land there, but on top of that, you will have to survive for at least a minute.

  • Cut down a pine while driving a vehicle

Finally, this last challenge should not be a problem for you. The only thing to check is that the tree you are running into is indeed a pine tree, these trees added with the launch of Chapter 3 which leave a trunk once felled by the players.

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