Square-Enix invested a lot of time and money into Forspoken in hopes of making it the publisher’s next big franchise, but technical issues and some questionable decisions with its storytelling (as we recounted in the review) don’t are just two of the reasons why sales have been poor and it seems many have already forgotten about the game. Light productions.

A press release indicates that the expansion At Tanta, we trust from Forspoken will be released on May 26 (May 23 if you have the digital deluxe edition). It’s a prequel that takes place 25 years before from the base game carrying Frey to the legendary Battle of the Rheddig purge. That doesn’t mean we’ll be fighting the same old enemies, as this expansion includes more story, new magic abilities, and “refined magic-enhanced parkour abilities” while you travel as so much band.

Is it enough for you to come back or extend your stay in Athia or go back to Forspoken?

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