At Magic 2023, Hironobu Sakaguchi, the father of the Final Fantasy series, said he would be interested in a PC release and a Fantasy sequel. However, there is no concrete confirmation regarding either of the two yet. Sakaguchi’s comment indicates interest in further developing Fantastic. (Thanks IGN!)
The full quote from Sakaguchi’s translated article regarding Fantasian is: “There are a lot of fans who want to see it on Windows, as well as many questions about a sequel. I want to keep giving my best and working on it. …Fantasian is a title I always want people to check out. There’s no firm commitment or promise in his statement, and it’s unclear what needs to happen (or is happening) behind the scenes of Mistwalker as far as gameplay goes.
Fantasian was released in 2021 for Apple Arcade. Hironobu Sakaguchi created it and Nobuo Uematsu (also famous for Final Fantasy) was the composer. It has a unique diorama style, as well as an aiming mechanic for attacks. It centers on an amnesiac boy named Leo in an alternate universe. There are two parts to the game and it does not include microtransactions.
As of this writing, Fantasian is only available through Apple Arcade, despite Sakaguchi’s interest in a PC port.