- Epic Games takes its first steps in the metaverse through partnerships and diversified investments. This time it is a British company that deals with the cloud
As it is known Epic Games has been for some time now engaged in investments that pertain to the metaverse. We recall, among others, a long-term partnership with Lego to give life to a huge metaverse geared towards children and families; the idea is to offer a virtual space in which it is possible to interact in a positive and constructive way.
Epic Games invests again in metaverse related companies. This time it is Hadean, a start-up based in London and specialized in the cloud.
Recall that too Sony invested in Epic Games to develop a metaverse articulated and interconnected like what we admired in Steven Spielgerg’s Ready Player One (based on the book by Ernest Cline).
Hadean, a London-based cloud start-up, raised $ 26.6 million to fund its technology infrastructure for the development of a metaverse. And among the investors who participated in the financing of the London company we find Epic Games which continues its expansion towards what could be the new IT paradigm and at the same time a further evolutionary step in social networks.
In fact, Haiden has long been laying the foundations for the development of an ambitious metaverse, capable of hosting a large number of users at the same time.
As the co-founder explained, Craig Beddis, di Haden,
Today’s metaverses offer limited experience – they are developed on a small scale and are not safe. Although there are still problems to be solved at a technological level, we are trying to move on to a next evolutionary step. In fact, we think that the metaverse will be successful only when a multitude of people can participate in it and yet we will have to be able to provide the necessary tools for developers and artists to create their own spaces.
This isn’t the first time Hadean has partnered with a video game company. Specifically in 2019, Hadean worked with video game developer CCP Games, known for its multiplayer sci-fi game EVE Online. The partnership was intended to allow more users to play online and as a result 14,000 people played EVE Online simultaneously
Marc Petit, VP of Epic Games which takes care of the Unreal Engine he has declared how much follows,
Hadean’s infrastructure will provide what is needed to create a scalable metaverse. Their technology goes well with Epic’s Unreal Engine allowing more users to play online and provide new tools for creators and developers.