Blizzard says it wants the release of Diablo 3 Season 28 to celebrate the arrival of Diablo 4 before the release of the next installment of one of PC’s most famous RPGs. Revealing the full Diablo 3 patch notes for its final season, the developer emphasizes progression and “tying material goals to meaningful choices.”
Diablo 3 patch 2.7.5 will be released on February 21 on PC as well as console versions on PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. The patch will be released at 11:30 a.m. PST / 2:30 p.m. EST / 7:30 p.m. GMT / 8:30 p.m. CET. Following this, Diablo 3 Season 28, titled Rites of Sanctuary, begins on February 24.
The new season is based around an item called the Altar of Rites, which offers a new, expanded character progression path that will apply to all of your characters for the entire season. Players can choose how they progress through the tree, selecting which bonuses they want to prioritize, which Blizzard says will help prepare players for Diablo 4, as news of a public beta is expected when IGN Fan Fest underway. .
“As we await the release of Diablo 4, we wanted to celebrate its arrival with a feature that emphasizes progression and offers exciting details about Sanctuary,” Blizzard says in its season preview. It looks like these new systems were specifically designed to help players anticipate some of the choices they’ll have to make in the upcoming game, and it looks like we can expect some tasty new story nuggets as well.
As for what you can expect from Diablo 3 Season 28, there are plenty of new seasonal rewards, including full class sets for each of the classes through Haedrig’s gifts earned as you complete. Diablo 3 journey chapters. season. Along with helping shape your best Diablo 3 builds, you’ll have another chance to claim previous Season 16 rewards as well as the new Primal Hunter portrait and adorable pet Taennin the Tiny.
With Diablo 4’s release date drawing ever closer and Lilith’s imminent arrival, make sure you’re up to date with all of Diablo 4’s classes at launch and check out our Diablo 4 preview to see what’s next. what you can expect when you get to work. In the meantime, we’ve got more of the best games like Diablo in 2023 to sink the loot.