Like every year in the spring, Bungie honors the three classes that make up Destiny 2, in the form of an event called Guardian games. Now that it’s almost May, and the studio has announced that this event will start next week, and it will specifically start on May 2.
This year’s event will be similar to previous ones, sending players on a quest to complete activities and earn medallions representing the class they’re playing in, all with the goal of earning the most medallions per class at the end of the Games May 23. hoping to be crowned champion this year. Essentially, it’s the same as House Cup in the world of Harry Potter.
This year’s event will mark the return of The title(Void SMG with perk repellent booster), and you will also see the introduction of the Taraxipo, the game’s first legendary scout rifle. It will also bring a new version of the Supremacy game mode, which will allow players to only queue Guardians of their respective class, for class vs. class action . Of course, you’ll also be able to earn medallions and class reputation by participating in a ton of other Destiny 2 activities, not just PvP.
The event map will also be here, meaning if you’ve completed the Solstice, Festival of Lost, and The Dawning maps in the past year, you’ll also be able to get the rare triumphant title.
The Guardian Games is a free event, which means you don’t even need to own the Eclipse expansion to access this content. The event will last until the end of Season 20 on May 23, so be sure to get involved and represent your class.