An interactive Destiny 2 Lightfall trailer highlights key narrative elements leading up to Destiny 2 Lightfall’s release date, recapping the relationship between Savathun, The Witness, and Traveler. Also containing interactive components that viewers can activate with the click or press of a button, the video trailer provides a solid insight into the story beats leading up to the current events of the popular FPS game.
The content of the trailer reaffirms that light is not inherently good and dark is not bad. On the contrary, in the game world, these objects are paracausal forces whose impacts are ultimately determined by the wearer. This is why Guardians resurrected with the Light can take advantage of Stasis, a Dark subclass, and Destiny 2’s upcoming Strand subclass which preliminary materials suggest will also be born in the Dark.
The trailer is a fantastic summary of the events leading up to Lightfall. While the video and accompanying interactives cannot enumerate the details of ten years of development knowledge, the snapshot preview serves as an important reminder for casual gamers and a snapshot for inactive gamers considering maybe going back to Destiny 2 for Lightfall. He also reiterates how little the Vanguard knows about The Witness and his general motives for interfering in the fight for the Traveler.
“While we don’t know his true intentions, we can only assume he is looking to finish what he started when we collapsed,” Zavala says of Witness, who will go on to play a major role in the next DLC.
The trailer also reaffirms the mystery of why the Traveler granted the light to Savathun. The Witch Queen, master of deception and enemy of the Vanguard, is dead, but her Ghost lives on. Some suggest that her Ghost may eventually reach her and revive her, perhaps even to fight alongside the Vanguard in the fight for the Traveler.
Lightfall and Destiny 2 Season 20 are fast approaching. If you’re looking to return to Destiny 2 to catch up on the current season, check out our guides for the Zero Revision Exotic Quest, Destiny 2 Final Dawn Quest, and Spire of the Watcher Dungeon to prepare for the next installment of Destiny 2. one of the best multiplayer games available on PC.