According to the developers, patch 1.2 will be the biggest update for Cyberpunk 2077 to date. It was originally planned for February 2021, but the deadline could not be met.

This is due, among other things, to the cyber attack on the studio, in which the suspected source code of the game and some sensitive data such as personal and investor information were stolen. Anyone who reacted to this attack with applause did not understand anything for us.

As a second reason, the studio also cited the scope of the patch, which should exceed all previous updates and is primarily aimed at qualitative improvements and bug fixes. Patch 1.2 thus continues the work of Update 1.1, which also fixed many quest problems, performance drops and glitches.

The release of patch 1.2 is planned for the second half of March which, however, has already begun. It is not yet known whether CD Projekt will keep this deadline or postpone the update again. As soon as we have more detailed information, we will let you know immediately at But now we want to use the waiting time sensibly to ask about your wishes.

What do you think CD Projekt has to do with Patch 1.2?

Feel free to write us your opinions, ideas and wishes in the comments. So that you don’t just type your fingers sore, you can also conveniently take part in our survey. We have worked out some questions for you and we look forward to your participation. For example, whether you will play Cyberpunk with Patch 1.2 (again).

Perhaps you can then tell us directly in the comments whether and for which feature you are still waiting. We already asked you about this in December 2020 and the transmog system took first place with 35 percent.

This already exists in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, while our looks in Cyberpunk would currently justify a ticket from the fashion police. After that, if you wanted to have a feature, change the appearance and upgrade your apartment later on in the list.

If you prefer to rely on mods, you can take a look at our mod overview. There we have gathered 10 mods that you can use to customize Vs look.

How well are you doing with cyberpunk?

We also asked you in December after patch 1.06 how well Cyberpunk 2077 is doing for you. The comments painted a very different picture in terms of the technical condition. Many of you experienced only a few bugs and crashes at this point, but were not yet entirely satisfied. So we want to know from you again what it looks like now.104afec9c7b2459c8f479d02f43c9283

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