Partly unveiled a few days ago, Cyberpunk 2077 update 1.2 unveiled all of its content yesterday in a very, very long patch note. We were then told a release very soon, and we were not lied to.
On the evening of yesterday, and within an hour range depending on the media, Cyberpunk 2077 update 1.2 went live, with the exception of the Stadia version, which should arrive here. the end of the week. Massive, this update weighs no less than 40 GB on Xbox consoles, 44 GB on PlayStation, and 33 GB on PC. Download can appear as more important, but once this is done, everything is brought back to the values indicated. As a reminder, the patch note presented yesterday concerned the gameplay, the open world, the quests, the stability, the performances, the conduct and many other elements specific to the various supports.