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Cyberpunk 2077

At the beginning of this week, CD Projekt co-founder Marcin Iwiński apologized again for the state of Cyberpunk 2077, which was faulty on the PC and sometimes almost unplayable on the last-gen consoles after the release.

In that apology, Iwiński implied that the scope of Cyberpunk 2077’s issues was not fully known prior to its release. But is that actually true? Because a new report from Bloomberg seems to prove that the fans knowingly let buy an unfinished game …

Bugs were known beforehand

Bloomberg journalist Schreier explains that he interviewed more than 20 current and former CD Projekt staff for the report. While COVID-19 caused communication and manufacturing difficulties, developers were unable to work on console development kits in the office.

The staff he spoke to say that external testing showed the problems and the bugs didn’t surprise anyone at Cd Project RED – unlike Iwinski’s apology.

“As the release date approached, everyone in the studio knew the game was in bad shape and needed more time,” writes Schreier, referring to the release date of Cyberpunk 2077 on November 19th, which was postponed to December 10th after the last postponement. “During this three-week delay, the exhausted programmers tried to fix as much as possible”, is it[calledButasmoothstartwouldhavebeenimpossibleatthispoint

“There were times when I worked up to 13 hours a day, a little more than that was probably my record and I worked like this five days a week”, said Adrian Jakubiak, a former audio programmer at CD Projekt. “I have some friends who have lost their families because of this kind of nonsense.”

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