Highly anticipated for many weeks, season 2 of the last two installments of the Call of Duty saga will arrive very soon!

If the debut of Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 didn’t completely convince you, Activision hopes to change your mind…

Call of Duty Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2: Season 2 Reloaded Content Revealed

Sure enough, the developers recently released a lengthy statement detailing all the news that will arrive in the coming weeks. As a reminder, this famous Season 2 will open its doors from Wednesday March 15, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. French time.

We naturally start with the arrival of a new card. Himmelmatt Expo will host 6v6 multiplayer and feature mountainous arenas for close-, mid-, and long-range matches. Likewise, Drop Zone, Elimination Confirmed, and One In The Chamber modes are on the way.

Also, to celebrate Warzone’s third anniversary, all players will receive free items through the store themed around the maps, seasons, and highlights of the game since the launch of the original Warzone on March 10, 2020.

A new sniper rifle is also coming with the update, the Tempus Torrent. Available in Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2, this rifle “offers impressive damage and a rapid-fire mechanism, making it an excellent choice as a primary weapon,” according to the study.

Finally, it will also be the integration of the great villain of the Ninja Turtles: the famous Shredder.

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