Nintendo Switch Sports
Nintendo Switch Sports is finally here, a whopping 16 years after the release of Wii Sports in 2006, the successor has been out for a few weeks. The longtime Nintendo gamers might get childhood memories here. For many, Wii Sports represents the quintessential Wii game.
But as nostalgic as the series is for many, it also has a pretty messy history. This is mostly documented on much-clicked YouTube videos and is about Wii remote controls that, in the worst case, end up on the television after an uncontrolled movement.
It’s easy to get lost in a game like tennis – before long, players were injuring themselves and those around them by dropping the remote control as they hit it. Nintendo took action even then with the very first installment, offering extra-strong wrist straps and padded remote control cases to prevent further damage. Well, history seems to be repeating itself now with the release of the Wii Sports sequel.
We previously reported on a streamer who was injured in a Switch Sports tennis match. Streamer 63man was focused in the match when, in a moment of great excitement, he accidentally threw the Joy-Con controller towards his TV, destroying the screen. This all happened just a day after the game’s release.
A similar situation is now happening to the most famous German streamer – however, it is not his screen that is damaged, but his hand! Like many of his streaming colleagues, MontanaBlack currently likes to play Nintendo Switch Sports while his live viewers watch him do it. In the last stream, they saw some unfortunate situations where Monte’s edge of the table became his undoing.
Bowling & Tennis Accident
When he was playing virtual tennis, he swung his remote control from above and landed on his desk with full force. The rapper cried out in pain shortly afterwards. It looked even more unpleasant in the following scene – this time MontanaBlack is playing a game of bowling.
As he takes a run-up to launch the bowling ball, he swings his Switch remote down from below and finally lands his hand on the edge of his table, dropping the remote from his hand. As he reveals in another Instagram story, he bent his finger and got a swelling. Get well soon!