As you explore the vast expanse of the Highlands in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll eventually come across treasure chests, catacombs, and dungeon-like caverns where you’ll have to solve puzzles, fight, or both. While discovering mysterious enemies and defeating them is a thrilling experience in itself, your efforts to investigate these chests will be well rewarded with new gear, galleons, and decorations for your Room of Requirement. While many treasure vaults are similar in design, no two vaults are the same. Some will require you to use different spells to open their entrance, while others will have you dive underwater in search of a secret cave.
Related: All landing pad locations in Hogwarts Legacy
Every treasure chest in the North Highlands of Hogwarts Legacy
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According to our investigations, there are approximately 102 treasure chests in Hogwarts Legacy. Each vault has its own unique challenge or set of unique challenges, some more difficult than others. However, as stated above, you are guaranteed to be rewarded with valuable loot for clearing each one. Naturally, listing every Treasure Vault would be a monumental task. So, for the sake of simplicity, we’ll start by stating that the North Highlands contains 20 Treasure Vaults in its North Ford Bog, Forbidden Forest, Hogsmeade Valley, and North Hogwarts Region.
Every Treasure Chest in the Hogwarts Legacy Center Highlands
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Below, the Hogwarts Southern Region Central Highlands, Feldcroft Region, South Seas Swamp, and Hogwarts Legacy Coastal Cavern have 42 treasure chests to discover. It’s worth mentioning that some members of the Hogwarts Legacy community have reportedly discovered more or less of our reported 102 treasure chests. With so many points of interest, it’s easy to overlook or overestimate the actual number of vaults. Luckily, we can confirm that there are no Achievements/Trophies or Exploration Challenges that involve uncovering all Treasure Chests. So unless you’re a complete completist, you don’t have to worry about locating every safe on the world map.
Every Treasure Chest in the Southern Highlands of Hogwarts Legacy
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Finally, the coast of Poidsear, Lake Marunweem, Cape Manor, Cragcroftshire and the coast of Clagmar comprise the South Highlands and have 40 Treasure Vault locations in Hogwarts Legacy. Some are effectively side-by-side, meaning you can clear a safe in one area and jump straight to the next in seconds.