Playing Valheim can be quite a challenge. Dangers lurk around every corner and even the smallest action like cutting down a tree can end your life. Of course, you have to go with your eyes wide open.

That is why a confrontation against the final boss is a real challenge. Something that would make most players tremble, but it is not the case of Reddit user WoodDivision5, who raised 50 wolves to attack Yagluth and defeat him. The result is frankly positive for the herd.

Two two-star wolves are enough to give Valheim’s first boss a good fight. So this player decided to incorporate 48 more to ensure success in his contest. In total, the confrontation lasts just 11 seconds, if you have an army of these characteristics supporting you.

Follow up to my Wolf breeding post, I decided to take them to Yagluth…again. Solo this time. Yagluth VS ~50 2 star wolves. from r/valheim

It’s all over so quickly that Yagluth doesn’t even get a chance to land a blow. To get hold of all these wolves, WoodDivision5 placed a pair of them in a small chamber where food was easily supplied to them. Once they procreate, the young are sent to another room and the wheel of reproduction does not stop.

The result is no casualties from the wolves in their only combat. We say unique because the player rewarded them with their freedom after that , since the fps drops were constant when concentrating so many models in so little space.

In addition, being howling wolves the noise caused was simply unbearable, so now they can howl at ease throughout the Viking world.

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