- Is New York the state or city of your dreams? Then it is convenient for you to know what the minimum hourly wage is in this locality, to know if it is convenient for you or not to move to this famous destination.
New York is one of the most famous destinations in the world, and with good reason. It is one of the places with the greatest artistic, cultural, educational and financial offer in the world. For this reason, there are not a few who see it as the place where one day they would like to live the rest of their lives. If you are one of these people, the truth is that one of the aspects that you should take into account the most is what is the minimum wage in this US state.
What is the minimum hourly wage in New York State?
There is not a single answer. It will depend on whether you are in New York City, Westchester County, and Long Island.
According to the Governor of New York, workers in large New York City employers are paid a minimum wage of $15 per hour. Large employers are understood to be those with 11 or more employees.
Small businesses (with 10 or fewer employees) in New York City have a minimum wage of $15 per hour as of 2019.
On the other hand, outside of New York City, in Long Island and Westchester, the minimum wage rose to $15 dollars per hour as of December 31, 2021.
Finally, in the rest of the state of New York that is not in the areas mentioned, a minimum wage of $13.20 dollars per hour was established.
What is the minimum wage for workers in the fast food industry in New York?
The minimum wage for workers in the fast food industry is $15 per hour as of July 1, 2021.
Does the minimum wage apply to all workers in New York?
Not necessarily. There are certain professions whose salaries are not subject to the minimum wage, according to the government of New York, such as:
1) Executives and administrators.
2) Professionals.
3) Outdoor vendors.
4) Taxi drivers.
5) Government employees.
6) Part-time babysitters.
7) Ministers and members of religious orders.
8) Volunteers and student trainees working in non-profit organizations.
9) Students obtaining vocational experience.
Similarly, tipped workers regularly in the industry have a minimum wage of $10 cash per hour and $5 tip credit in New York City, Long Island and Westchester.
In the rest of the state, the minimum wage for this type of worker is set at $8.80 cash per hour and $4.40 tip credit.
Service employees in New York City, Long Island and Westchester are paid a minimum wage of $12.30 per hour in cash and $2.50 tip credit. In the rest of New York State, service employees earn $11 per hour in cash and $2.20 in tip credit.