The audience numbers continue not to favor Marcelo Tinelli’s new program. After an excellent debut, the rating of Sing with me now, at thirteen, began to fall and this week it hit floors below 10 points.
This Wednesday, August 3, the driver had his worst night of the cycle. According to data from the company Ibope, Sing with me now hit a floor of 8.3 points. It had registered 10.4 at 10:43 p.m. but an hour later it marked its lowest number against La voz argentina, on Telefe, which was once again the most watched of the day with a peak of 15.4.
These last years were not the best for Tinelli. After the failure of The Academy, the driver opted for a new format, which does not convince the public either.
Laura Ubfal, host of Gossip, echoed on Wednesday what happened on Tuesday: “The general average gave it 10.2 rating points. A very rare thing. For me they are going to have to do something because after eleven o’clock night liquidates it”.
The journalist explained what the conditions of eltrece would be so that Canta conmigo now continues on the air: “Tinelli has the slogan, let’s say the obligation to make two digits. The channel cannot bank the budget of so many expensive programs, it is one or the other” . And he assured: “Marcelo is going to complete the 40 programs, but he cannot fall.”
Rating: Denise Dumas’ dream turned into a nightmare
After reaching the finals of MasterChef Celebrity and driving Flor de equipo on Telefe, Denise Dumas returned to the screen of El Nueve on Monday, hand in hand with The dream of your own house.
The program does not achieve the audience levels expected by the station. This Wednesday, The dream of your own house touched a floor of 1.3 points, and was in fourth place in its slot.
Nine does not want to lose third place in the general rating. After the arrival of LAM, which subtracted audience from Bendita TV, plus Telenueve’s audience drop at noon, the station is looking for new opportunities to grow.
For this, on Monday at 1:30 p.m., Flechazo will arrive at that station, a dating program that will be hosted by Darío Lopilato, the actor who played Coqui Argento in Married with children, and the journalist Franco Torchia.
Welcome aboard: the double of Silvina Batakis was all the rage on social networks
Welcome aboard, in eltrece, became one of the most entertaining programs on television, due to the reinvention of its games and the changes of “doors”. The latest success is the section of the similarities in which the participants can be awarded the “best similarity” with a trip to Europe and in which more than one went viral on social networks.
This week, a woman appeared who claimed to look like someone who was on the covers of national newspapers a few weeks ago, although at first glance it was difficult to guess.
The woman told the driver of the cycle, Laurita Fernández, that she had signed up alone, but that her entire family claimed that she looked like a famous politician.
In this case, the three jurors, made up of the actress Noelia Marzol, the model Delfina Gerez Bosco and the model Hernán Drago, had a difficult time, although she stated that she guessed it as soon as the woman walked through the door.
“Is he political or does he do politics?” Asked Marzol, but the driver did not allow him to answer because it would have been a determining clue for the viewers who played from her houses.
“I feel like I’ve seen you everywhere lately, can it be?” Fernandez said. “They are in anyone,” Drago limited and added: “If I’m serious, it ends seriously It’s Malena Guinzburg.” However, the participant denied resembling the comedian.
Marzol took a chance with Pitty, the numerologist, but she wasn’t either. “I don’t know if it’s good to look like you because of the circumstances that surround us,” said the driver playing with the mystery and the participant agreed. “I don’t think they throw flowers at you,” Fernandez added.
The person in charge of pronouncing the resemblance was Gerez Bosco, who stated that it was the former Minister of Economy and today president of the Bank of the Argentine Nation, Silvina Batakis. The participant explained that the flowers and the white shirt were alluding to the day she assumed the Ministry.
The Batakis lookalike competed against singer Freddy Mercury, actress Natalia Oreiro, cumbia singer Dalila, comedian Radagast, tennis player Rafael Nadal and singer María Becerra; however, neither managed to become a finalist.
In the next instance, a group of participants faced each other for the grand finale to the trip to Europe. Among them were the quartetist Ulises Bueno, the singer María Becerra, the trade unionist Hugo Moyano, the singer Cacho, from Los Palmeras, Francesca and Isabella Icardi, the actor Ricardo Darín, the actor from “My poor little angel”, the communicator Laura Ubfal and the Marcos di Palma runner.
Despite the resemblance of many of them to celebrities, the jury decided that the Batakis-like participant would pass again and access the final phase of the contest.